Otomi 1.0 release

We are announcing the release of Otomi Version 1.0.0, a significant milestone in its maturity. Read this post for all the features.

Red Kubes created Otomi with a clear vision: to automate, integrate, and configure all the technologies required for containerized apps in production.
We are announcing the release of Otomi Version 1.0.0, a significant milestone in its maturity.

Here's what's new:

🚀 Kubernetes 1.27 Support (#1305) - We always strive to keep up with the Kubernetes community.
🔄 ArgoCD Auto Image Updater (#1236) - Managing your workloads just got a whole lot easier with our new automatic image updater. Say goodbye to manual updates!
🔒 Keycloak Upgrade (#1280) - Keeping your applications secure is our priority. We've upgraded Keycloak to ensure your systems remain in shape.
🔐 OIDC Gitea Team Groups Mapping (#1275) - Simplify team management by mapping OIDC groups to your Gitea teams.
🚦 Enhance Istio and Cloud NativePG compatybility  - Take charge of your application start times with this handy Istio feature.
📈 Tekton Dashboard for Platform Admins and Teams (#1279) - Empower your teams with an intuitive dashboard that makes managing workflows easy.
🎯 Tekton Triggers (#1276) - Get ready to streamline your automation game with this addition.
🔍 Tracing Across the Platform with OpenTelemetry and Grafana Tempo (#1229) - Unveil insights with our advanced tracing capabilities.
🌐 Adding CNAME Support (#1235) - Enhance your networking capabilities with CNAME support, making your connections smoother and more flexible.

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