Otomi Kubernetes Platform

Otomi Video Vault

The Red Kubes team are constantly innovating the Otomi platform and we love to share the new features. This is where we will show you what we have worked on. Have a look at the new stuff we have engineered lately or just ask the team for a full demo and tour of Otomi and all it's features.

Otomi adds a complete suite of opensource tools for Kubernetes enabling platform engineers to automate route to live for developers. Developers are up to 40% more productive and businesses accelerate software delivery and innovation.

Otomi, a Production Ready Developer Platform for Kubernetes brings an enhanced developer experience to any Kubernetes cluster. One package with integrated and pre-configured applications, automation, developer self-service and a high security posture out-of-the-box.

Observability in Kubernetes Part 1: Introduction to prometheus, Loki, Grafana
Embarking on your Kubernetes journey can quickly lead you to realize the importance of leveraging additional tools for a clear picture of your cluster's utilization and health. In this kickoff video of our series, we dive into the essential toolkit of Prometheus, Loki, and Grafana, offering you a concise overview of their core features and a snapshot of their real-world application. We'll also guide you through the initial setup steps and touch on the key hurdles that development teams face when integrating and managing this stack.Be sure to catch part 2, where we'll unveil a streamlined method to swiftly get Prometheus, Loki, and Grafana up and running in your environment with Otomi, making it simpler than ever to enhance your monitoring and observability capabilities.

Observability in Kubernetes Part 2: Deploy Prometheus, Loki & Grafana in minutes using Otomi
For seasoned Kubernetes enthusiasts familiar with the powerful monitoring trio of Prometheus, Loki, and Grafana, implementing these tools can often present unique challenges. In our second installment focusing on Kubernetes observability, we unveil an efficient and straightforward method to deploy and leverage Prometheus, Loki, and Grafana swiftly with Otomi. This video not only guides you through a hassle-free installation process but also illustrates how Otomi seamlessly integrates your applications with this essential monitoring stack, enhancing your Kubernetes observability strategy with minimal effort. Discover the ease of boosting your monitoring capabilities with Otomi and this proven stack.

Observability in Kubernetes Part 3: Tracing for improved Observability.

Dive into Kubernetes app tracing with this video, highlighting how to uncover deep insights and solve performance issues using OpenTelemetry and Tempo by Grafana Labs. Skip ahead if you're already familiar with tracing, as our next video will show a swift Otomi setup. A quick recap: We've discussed the essentials of metrics and logging, which fall short in detailing service dependencies' impact on performance. Tracing offers a solution by:
- Tracking requests with unique IDs across service stacks.
- Breaking requests into detailed spans for in-depth analysis.
- We cover tracing essentials, from generating trace data via instrumentation to data collection, storage, and user-friendly visualization.
- We also discuss auto-instrumentation through a Java app example, tackling common setup challenges and the ease of implementation with Otomi, which allows for quick deployment of the entire tracing stack. Stay tuned for our next video, demonstrating Otomi for a hassle-free tracing setup.

Observability in Kubernetes part 4: Implement Tracing in Kubernetes with Ease: A Step-by-Step Guide

Boost your Kubernetes application observability with tracing! This video tutorial guides you through implementing tracing using OpenTelemetry, Grafana Tempo, and the Otomi platform. No coding experience required! Leverage Otomi's auto-instrumentation to effortlessly trace your applications without modifying code.
Key Takeaways:
Understand the benefits of tracing:

- Gain deeper insights into request flow, identify bottlenecks, and troubleshoot performance issues.
Effortless setup with Otomi:
- Deploy OpenTelemetry, Tempo, and your application in minutes.
Auto-instrumentation magic:
- No code changes needed for tracing common libraries like FastAPI and requests.
Visualize your traces:
- Analyze request flow and identify potential issues with detailed trace information.

This video is perfect for: Developers and operations teams looking to improve Kubernetes application observability. Individuals interested in learning about tracing and its benefits. Anyone seeking a user-friendly approach to implementing tracing in Kubernetes. Ready to get started? Watch the full video for a step-by-step walkthrough and discover how Otomi simplifies tracing implementation.
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Keywords: Kubernetes, tracing, OpenTelemetry, Grafana Tempo, Otomi, observability, performance, auto-instrumentation, microservicesobservability, performance, auto-instrumentation, microservices

Observability in Kubernetes Part 5: Complementing metrics with alerting rules, using Alertmanager.

This video tackles Alerting in Kubernetes using Prometheus and Alertmanager. It highlights the limitations of passively monitoring dashboards and the need for proactive notifications. You'll learn how to integrate Alertmanager with Prometheus to receive alerts via Email, Slack, and more. The video also demonstrates creating an alert for high response times in a sample application. No prior Otomi platform experience is required, as manual deployment is also covered. Check out the video to gain insights into proactive alerting for your Kubernetes deployments!

Observability in Kubernetes part 6: Practical example on how to instrument a Python application.

This video dives into instrumenting a simple Python application for deeper insights within a Kubernetes cluster.

Here's a quick rundown:

Building the App: Poetry manages the Python environment and dependencies. A Docker image is built using a buildpack and pushed to a container registry. Deployment is handled through Otomi (explained elsewhere).
Metrics Integration: The prometheus-fastapi-instrumentator library simplifies adding metrics endpoints to the app. The video demonstrates excluding specific endpoints for cleaner data.
Tracing with OpenTelemetry: While the app benefits from auto-instrumentation, manual spans are added for granular tracking within the application.
Monitoring the Results: The video showcases viewing the collected metrics in Grafana and tracing data in Loki. This video empowers Python developers to improve the observability of their Kubernetes applications.

How to Set Up a Cross-Platform Video Conferencing Service with Argo CD and Jitsi on KubernetesIn this video, we will show you how to set up a cross-platform video conferencing service using Argo CD and Jitsi on Kubernetes.We will start by installing a Kubernetes cluster with Otomi. Then, we will enable Argo CD and create a new app to deploy Jitsi.

We have now introduced the automated app enablement within Otomi of apps which are dependant of each other. Demonstrated here through the enablement of Thanos which then automatically triggers the enablement of Prometheus, Grafana and Minio.

Newly implemented feature how Otomi and GitRepo remain in sync. Otomi is an open source platform for managing Kubernetes clusters. It allows you to deploy, manage, and monitor your applications on Kubernetes.A solution has been created to keep Otomi and Git in sync. This solution checks the two every two minutes to see if they are still in sync. If they are not, the changes are automatically synced.

How to Set Up a Wildcard Certificate in Otomi Container PlatformIn this video, I will show you how to set up a wildcard certificate in the Otomi container platform. A wildcard certificate is a type of certificate that can be used to secure multiple subdomains of a domain name. This can be useful for organizations that have a large number of subdomains, such as a company with a website and multiple applications.

How to Render Otomi Values Without Compromising Passwords and Tokens. In this video, Jeho demonstrates how to render Otomi values without compromising passwords and tokens. This is an important security best practice that can help to protect your sensitive information. By following the steps in this video, you can easily render Otomi values without secrets and improve the security of your environment.

How to Use Team Projects in Otomi. In this video, Ferruh demonstrates how to use the Team Projects function in Otomi. Team projects are a way to organize and manage your application components, such as builds, workloads, and services. They provide a streamlined approach to development by allowing you to define your application through a user-friendly wizard automating many manual activities for developers

In this video, Ani, a platform engineer at Red Kubes, demonstrates the new TTY console feature in Otomi version 0.22. The TTY console is a secure and convenient way to access your Kubernetes cluster without the need to expose the Kube API to the public internet.

In this video, Ani, a platform engineer at Red Kubes, demonstrates how to configure CNAMEs for Otomi services. CNAMEs allow you to map a domain name to an Otomi service. This can be useful for making your services more accessible and for improving your SEO.

In this video, Ani, a platform engineer at Red Kubes, demonstrates how to configure CNAMEs for Otomi services with TLS termination. TLS termination is the process of decrypting and encrypting traffic between a client and a server. This can be useful for securing your services and making them more accessible

How to Set Up a Cross-Platform Video Conferencing Service with Argo CD and Jitsi on KubernetesIn this video, we will show you how to set up a cross-platform video conferencing service using Argo CD and Jitsi on Kubernetes.We will start by installing a Kubernetes cluster with Otomi. Then, we will enable Argo CD and create a new app to deploy Jitsi.